New Direction - with More Posts!

Hello Internet!

If anybody was reading this before, I doubt they are now since I haven’t posted anything in months. But here is why:

  • Changed jobs. No wait, changed career fields. Now, instead of sitting in a boring medical office all day, I’m chasing middle school kids around. Suddenly, there is less time to sit on Pub Med looking up random stuff.
  • Lack of research motivation. I feel quite comfortable with the science that I’m already familiar with, and there haven’t been any new studies that have really grabbed my attention. I follow several longitudinal studies, but nothing has come up that has made me embark on a quest for answers.
  • Trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. Do I want kids? When? What are my priorities? How do those differ from my boyfriend’s priorities, and how do I get him to agree with me? Y’know, the usual stuff.

Anyway, I have reached a conclusion that is a direct result of some of the less-scientific websites I enjoyed frequenting during my team in the medical research office...blogs. Specifically, homesteading and healthy lifestyle blogs.

I have an obsession with the country and grew up telling people that I wanted to be a farmer. I also LOVE cooking and gardening, and since I’m young and not very experienced, have turned to the Internet for help with these things.

Oh, and although I majored in science and became a science teacher...I always loved language arts best. Specifically, writing.

And thus, I’m going to be using this blog again...but not purely to go through science articles. I’ll be treating it more as a lifestyle blog, and a place to journal my adventures as I try to stay true to concepts of self-reliance, sustainability, stewardship, and healthy living. Basically, I will treat this more like some of the blogs that I read.

But don’t worry, my love of science is intact. I’ll probably still post some science stuff, because I do sometimes spend my lunch break on PubMed.

Yes, I know I’m weird.

I don’t really care if people read this. Maybe somebody will and will say “Wow! This was helpful!” and for that reason, I don’t plan on making it private, and won’t be including real names or specific locations. But if nobody ever does...hey, I still get to write stuff. And hopefully this blog will showcase a pretty cool journey.

Some adventures that are upcoming:
  • Recipes and from-scratch cooking - some of which I invent.
  • Beginning my first garden, outside of a few pots with herbs.
  • Renovating my kitchen. True to my country-loving nature, it will be a country kitchen, despite being stuck in the suburbs for the indefinite future due to said boyfriend’s engineering job.


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